go again.
PlayStation 2 cheats
God-given magic #1- [R2] + [Circle]
God-given magic #2 - [R2] + [X]
Power arrows #1 - [R2] + [L2] + [Circle]
Power arrows #2 - [R2] + [L2] + [X]
Unlock all the levels - Highlight the "Extras" option at the main menu, then press
[Left] times 11, [Right] times 7, [Square] to choose any levels in Single Mission Replay mode
Pause the game during gameplay to:
Restore all health - hold [R1] + [R2], press [X], [Down], [Square], [Up]
Always rage - hold [R1] + [R2], press [Down], [Right], [X], [Square], [Up], [Up]
Xbox 360 cheats
Unlock all the levels - Highlight the "Extras" option at the main menu, then press [Left] times 11, [Right] times 7, [Square] to choose any levels in Single Mission Replay mode. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
God-given magic #1 - [Black] + [B]
God-given magic #2 - [Black] + [A]
Power arrows #1 - [Black] + [White] + [B]
Power arrows #2 - [Black] + [White] + [A]
Defeating Ares
Ares is the God of War and he won't be pleased with you interfering with his plans. Expect a difficult fight, so using the Sword of Athens would help greatly. Shield-bash him a few times and land a hit when he can't react. Eventually, he'll throw you, but this move deals no damage. When he creates two more images of himself, be sure to kill the clones first as they die in a couple of hits. Next, he'll raise the dead, soldiers which must be put to rest fast since you'll have more targets tackling you at the same time. God given powers can be used, but only in a certain period. His sword fire can be delayed for a while, if you're a fast runner, but eventually you'll get hit. The best way to damage him is by getting close and performing a God-given magic #2 attack.
Defeating Beowulf
When Beowulf comes towards you and tries to attack, hold [L2] + [Triangle] to get around him and subsequently do the same move to dodge his hits. Once he performs his attack, quickly get up and hit him with your weapon. Press this again to roll and dodge his attack. Keep doing this until he is dead. On occasion, he'll throw fireballs at you, but you can dodge them by rolling, but make sure you do avoid running into the ring of fire. Remember basic fireman training? If you start burning, drop and roll, so the fire will go out. Barbarians will come in and attack you, but they're not that many and are easy to take down. If needed, you can use the health and power-up shrines at the same location, should you require a boost.
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